Camp Event FAQ


1.) What kind of experience can I expect at a camp event?

From 3:00 PM Friday to 3:00 PM on Sunday Meadowmere LARP hosts an immersive camping experience where players from around the region come and play their characters over the three days.

2.) Do I have to be in-character the whole time?

A majority of the camp is considered “In-game” from start to finish, but there are certain designated spaces that are out of game. These are usually reserved for the bunk houses. This does not mean you cannot roleplay in the cabins, but that we understand that people need breaks sometimes.


3.) How does your game’s story work?

Our game is a long running world but we break up the story into Seasons. Each Season corresponds with a calendar year. This includes multiple day events and weekend events (camp events). The camp events are usually reserved for bigger plot points in that season’s story.

Ticket Prices

4.) What does it cost to attend?

If you purchase a ticket ahead of time, the cost is $35, but if you wait to purchase it at the event, it will be $45. There are also other things you may want to consider though, things like food and supplies.


5.) Do I need to bring my own food?

No! We offer meal plans for the weekend. There is both a standard meal option and a vegetarian meal option. Both cost the same amount at $35 for the weekend. Meal tickets MUST BE purchased by May 10th. If you are struggling with purchasing a meal plan by this date, please reach out to us at

6.) What if I have a food allergy?

We keep a running list of all food allergies that we have been made aware of. If you want to let us know about an allergy you have, please fill out this form!

If possible, please do not bring anything on the allergen list. If you do bring it, please do not leave them out and take care to wash your hands any time you touch them. Allergies already on the list include:

  • Poppy Seeds
  • Cedar
  • Peanuts
  • Cherries
  • Strawberries
  • Real Crab
  • Corn

7.) What if I want to make my own food?

That is perfectly ok with us! There will be designated times where anyone is welcome to come into the kitchen and prepare food, but anyone may check with the kitchen manager to see if there is available space to prepare something at any time. Priority is given to them because they are preparing the meal plans for a majority of the campers.

We encourage you to bring a bag, box, or container to put your food into. This can be labeled with your name. This way there is no confusion on what supplies belong to which person, and less likely of issues with allergies.

8.) What if I cant afford to bring food or by the meal plan?

That’s ok! We bring food and snacks and put them into a community pantry, otherwise known as the “Don’t Starve” food. It will be small simple things that people either donated or we supplied that are free for anyone to take. No need to sign up for this, it is publicly available at all times.

9.) Will there be a microwave on site?

Yes! And it will be available for use at any time.

The kitchen also includes: refrigerators, commercial stove, convection oven, commercial dishwasher, coffee pot, commercial mixer, pots and pans, mixing bowls, skillets, sheet pans, cake pans, stock pots, plates, bowls, water glasses, pitchers, serving bowls, coffee cups and utensils.

10.) Can I store cold or frozen items?

There will be a community fridge that anyone is able to use in the kitchen.

As for frozen items, that is a bit more tricky. There is a freezer on site but we have never used it. Use at your own risk.

There is an Ice Machine available for use that you can use to fill coolers, drinks, etc… It is stored outdoors, so there is the occasional bug that gets in there.

11.) Can I drink Alcohol at the event?

Not unless express permission has been granted, and even then you will be limited on what activities you can do and where you can have it at the camp.

Location and Amenities

12.) Where is the event held?

Our camping events are normally held at Camp Clover Point.

13.) Is there power at the campsite?

Yes! Each cabin has power and every one also has running water for bathrooms and showers.

14.) What should I expect in the cabin?

Each cabin will have a bathroom with toilets and showers, and a communal bunk room with up to 18 bunk beds. Don’t worry if you don’t want to or cannot climb on to the top bunk, we have plenty to go around.

The Campsite provides only a twin mattress, so you should bring any sheets, blankets, and or pillows you wish to use.

If you want to take a shower, we encourage bringing a towel, soap/shampoo, and flip flops. It is always a good idea to wear footwear in a communal shower.

15.) Can I go swimming?

Swimming is not allowed at our events because we do not have a certified lifeguard on duty.

16.) Can I tent camp?

Not at this campground. Maybe in the future.


17.) Should I be worried about the weather?

Weather is always something that you should plan for, but we also track any unusual weather that happens throughout the weekend and make calls as to what happens with the game as needed. Comfort over aesthetics is always a good rule of thumb.

Other Policies and Procedures

18.) Are there any policies I should be aware of?

Yes, please familiarize yourself with our rulebook. It includes most if not all of our current policies.

Garb and Possessions

19.) What should I bring to camp?

Here is a general list of what you might want to bring:

  • Breathable Garb
  • Base Layer (Usually Athletics Ware)
  • More socks and underwear than you think you need.
  • A change of clothes to sleep in each night.
  • Cool packs in your Garb, if needed.
  • Comfortable Shoes. (You will be more active than you think you will be.)
  •  When it comes to shoes, safety and comfort come first. We encourage an outdoor boot or hiking boot. It doesn’t look period but you will be safe. If you can get something that looks the part on top of that, fantastic!
  • Portable fan.
  • Bedding (Sheets, Blankets, Pillows, etc…)
  • Liquids to Hydrate (water will be provided, but you may want a container to carry it.)
  • Sun Screen
  • Bug Spray
  • Your own personal toiletries. (toilet paper, hand soap, and paper towels will be provided.)
  • Food / snacks if you want them.
  • Cooler to store things in your bunk.
  • A hood or hat for cooler events.
  • Gloves


20.) Should I be worried about wildlife?

Since we are playing in a state park, there is a strong chance that you will run into some sort of wildlife. We have seen plenty of birds, turtles, frogs, squirrels, and deer, but it is also possible to see possums, racoons, snakes, and even bears. These are far less likely and we always encourage walking around with a buddy. We play in a well maintained campground so these other creatures are less likely. It is still important to leave your doors closed and do not leave food outside. This decreases the chances that you will encounter any unwanted guests.

21.) What do I need to do when I get there?

Check in at registration first before anything else. We have to know who is on site and when.

During Check-in, you will need to sign up for Volunteer/NPC Duty, or if you would like, you can sign up ahead of time for some of the things we know we will need.

After Check-in, its time to go get your bunk setup.

22.) Can I just leave whenever?

No! We have to know who comes and who goes from the camp and when. It is required to let the Registration desk know if you need to leave for any reason.

On Sunday, we ask that everyone help clean up the camp from 12-3 PM. As you clean up your area, we will slowly let people go over the three hours. If you Need to leave early, just communicate with us so that we are aware, but we are very grateful for any help you can lend to ensure we leave the site better than we found it.

Thank you for being a part of Meadowmere LARP.

Be ready this season to Play Your Part.

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