The days have blurred together and I’ve lost track but I think it’s been nearly a year.

An entire year without by my side. My sun to guide me through this life. Someday I will see you again. But will you recognize me all old and grey? I hope someday to truly resurrect you but it as yet seems impossible.

Or it did, I should say.

Recently I have earned the freedom to teach again. Teach, my sun! With real life students. Students who seem eager to learn! Of all the places to find such students The Order sent me to an old fort in Lady Royce’s territory. A studied young man named Kalen, he seems shifted somehow as though he is here yet not.. or maybe it was enjoying the drink too much after months of sobriety. I see much potential in him, maybe someone I can pass on my more obscure knowledge. He tried alongside a gentleman whose name I cannot spell but proved just as capable. Another, a young Imperium James Ilisef, she as quick to inform me she was pure where I am… Regardless she is a quick study with pulling truths from people.

You would have enjoyed this group my sun. Such lovely people and quick to help when people need it. Which brings me to the resurrection possibilities. A bird calling themselves Kiran rushed into town healing -Healing!- undead and bringing them back to life! I would employ them to help bring you back but it seems they can focus on little beside running from a psychopomp named Phelix.

Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone, help the Kiran and bring you back. I care not what happens to the creature Phelix. A gentleman has suggested splitting his soul from the beast he joined with. Which is doable back home. Here? I am unsure but with the Journey ahead I’ll have time to study.

As well as figure out how people I have never met know me. A few I remember from their library visit but others knee my name but claimed they only heard stories of me. Maybe Imend has spoken of our drunk shenanigans? Though he claimed, and proved, that I had been in this drunk tank with him. Name carved into stone and all. But I have no memory of this.

Another two vex me nearly as much as that did. A strange fox left a nasty bruise along my jaw upon meeting and a dwarf insist on irking me. She has yet to physically harm me I am left with headaches I’ve never felt.

What is wrong with me? Have I gone mad? Is it guilt for what happened to my friends? Lives I couldn’t save? No. I think it’s more. I feel as though I’ve lost something but have no memory of what I’ve lost.

Your Nightingale,

*Scribbled onto the back with musical notes*
The last time I saw your face
I saw the sun set in your eyes
And I thought the moon and stars wept
Down from the dark and endless skies

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