by Admin Account | May 13, 2020 | Aikenn, Character Posts, Kalen Inkwell
Kalen I’ve had another vision. A vision of darkness. A familiar enemy is planning to summon something sinister. They may be planning a trap of some sort. Be prepared for our next meeting. We will need it. Aikenn
by Admin Account | May 13, 2020 | Character Posts, Tannas, United Gateway Privateer Consortium
A young satchel bearing courier runs into the local taven and posts a notice onto the message board… it reads as follows: To memebers of the United Gateway Privateer Consortium, Take heed my words of preparation. It has been brought to my attention by a boon...
by Admin Account | May 13, 2020 | Aikenn, Character Posts, Tannas
Tannis I’ve been given a vision of the future. A familiar enemy of ours is planning something sinister in the coming weeks. Gather the consortium and be prepared. I belive they may be planning a trap. Aikenn
by Admin Account | May 13, 2020 | Aikenn, Character Posts, Simon Veras
Simon, I can only hope that this letter reaches you soon as I have reason to believe something horrible is going to happen. I believe a familiar enemy we’ve encountered is planning to bring forth something… unnatural. I can’t tell who it is and I can’t place...
by Admin Account | May 10, 2020 | Character Posts, Tannas
His breath reeked something foul as his exhale came closer to my face. His grip was tight against my collar though the rest of me hung freely a few feet up. Still holding tight to my sword, I swipe upwards with wild abandon and cleave off the gnarly left claw holding...
by Admin Account | May 3, 2020 | Character Posts, Kieran O'Conna, Tannas
“Come at me ya oversizet salamanter! Ya stink o’ cabbage an unwarshed unnnerpants!”, I cried! It flew low, and bathed me in fire… I woke up to ta smell o’ bacon cooking somewheres. I musta fell asleep stakin out ta area with Tannas. Shame...