by Admin Account | May 13, 2020 | Character Posts, Tannas, United Gateway Privateer Consortium
A young satchel bearing courier runs into the local taven and posts a notice onto the message board… it reads as follows: To memebers of the United Gateway Privateer Consortium, Take heed my words of preparation. It has been brought to my attention by a boon...
by Admin Account | May 13, 2020 | Aikenn, Character Posts, Tannas
Tannis I’ve been given a vision of the future. A familiar enemy of ours is planning something sinister in the coming weeks. Gather the consortium and be prepared. I belive they may be planning a trap. Aikenn
by Admin Account | May 10, 2020 | Character Posts, Tannas
His breath reeked something foul as his exhale came closer to my face. His grip was tight against my collar though the rest of me hung freely a few feet up. Still holding tight to my sword, I swipe upwards with wild abandon and cleave off the gnarly left claw holding...
by Admin Account | May 3, 2020 | Character Posts, Kieran O'Conna, Tannas
“Come at me ya oversizet salamanter! Ya stink o’ cabbage an unwarshed unnnerpants!”, I cried! It flew low, and bathed me in fire… I woke up to ta smell o’ bacon cooking somewheres. I musta fell asleep stakin out ta area with Tannas. Shame...
by Admin Account | Apr 25, 2020 | Character Posts, Tannas
I needed to move faster. I needed to close the width. Tracking while trying to protect myself takes time. Time I don’t have at the moment. This thing is fast. Big, fast and smart. It tried to lose me by doubling back on two occasions and tried baiting me to go...
by Admin Account | Apr 17, 2020 | Character Posts, Tannas
It’s been ages since I’ve seen the rabble I normally consort with. There has been a great deal of adventures to be shared in that time for sure. Through I seem to have lost my mangy bird to unforseen circumstances. Be that as it may I would have written...