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Camping Guide

4 min read

Warm Weather Larping #

There are several things to keep in mind when preparing for a warm weather LARP Event.

  • Hydrate
    • Ill say it now, Ill say it again. Hydrate.
  • Clothing
    • > Try to use clothing that breathes well.
    • > Wear light colored clothing.
    • > Bring more socks than you think you will need. It is easy to sweat in your shoes and then your socks will be wet.
    • > When it comes to shoes, safety and comfort come first. We encourage an outdoor boot or hiking boot. It doesn’t look period but you will be safe. If you can get something that looks the part on top of that, fantastic!
    • > Change clothes before bed. Do not wear the same socks to bed that you wore during the day. Switch them out.
    • > Use cool packs in your Garb.
  • Camping
    • > If tent Camping, try to set it up in the shade.
    • > Open up tent flaps when able. Tents will trap heat.
    • > Bring a portable fan.
    • > Take a cold shower before bed.
    • > Wear a hat to bed, it helps with heat loss.
  • Habits
    • > Hydrate
    • > Use Sun Screen and Bug Spray
    • > Be sure to use the bathroom regularly.
    • > Eat and drink multiple times through the day, even if it is just a quick snack and a bottle of water.
    • > Keep food cold to maintain food safety
    • > Take plenty of rests.

Cold Weather Larping #

There are several things to keep in mind when preparing for a cold weather LARP Event.

  • Clothing
    • > Plan for 3 layers of clothing. You want a base layer, athletic wear is good for this, warm weather garb for your second layer, and then something like a heavy cloak for the third layer. You can always take off layers if you get too warm.
    • > Bring extra clothing.
    • > Stay Dry, if you do get wet, make sure to change out those clothes.
    • > Try to use clothing that breathes well.
    • > Wear a hood or hat. You will lose a lot of body heat through your head.
    • > Gloves are a great addition to keep your hands warm.
    • > Bring more socks than you think you will need. It is easy to sweat in your shoes and then your socks will be wet.
    • > When it comes to shoes, safety and comfort come first. We encourage an outdoor boot or hiking boot. It doesn’t look period but you will be safe. If you can get something that looks the part on top of that, fantastic!
    • > Do not wear the same socks to bed that you wore during the day. Switch them out.
  • Camping
    • > If tent Camping, make sure you bring a sleeping bag and a sleeping pad/cot, do not sleep directly on the ground.
    • > Consider using a sleeping bag liner.
    • > If you are on your own, smaller tents are better, you can heat up a smaller space quicker.
    • > Blankets are a must.
    • > Wear a hat to bed, it helps with heat loss.
  • Habits
    • > Be sure to use the bathroom regularly.
    • > Eat and drink multiple times through the day, even if it is just a quick snack and a bottle of water.
    • Avoid getting wet if at all possible.

Food Preparation #

When it comes to food, there are multiple things to keep in mind. The first is how will you be preparing it? Are you going to be using a fire or is there power and you can use other devices?

Cooking Over a Fire #

If you have not cooked over a fire before, please ask for help. We have multiple people who would gladly teach you. There are a lot of devices you can get to help make it easier, for example a camp stove and cast iron cookware.

Another great option is to make foil packets for meals. Collect foods that can be cooked together and wrap them in foil. Sometimes you can even set these directly in the fire.

If your Site has Power #

If you have power available to you, some will choose to bring things like crockpots, instapots, or rice cookers. These don’t take up a lot of room and can prepare food for multiple people. If you are going with a group, this is a great option. This requires planning though because you don’t want three people to bring a rice cooker but nothing else.

  • Snacks
    • > Granola Bars
    • > Protein Bars
    • > Nuts
    • > Breads
    • > Cookies
    • > Peanut Butter
    • > Crackers
    • > Hot Chocolate
    • > Hot Teas
    • > Water and Sports Drinks. (Its better to have a mix of both.)
  • Meals
    • > Meats
    • > Cheese
    • > Canned Tuna or Chicken
    • > Rice
    • > Vegetables
    • > Tortillas
    • > Beef Jerky
    • > Lunch Meats